A realistic makeup look featuring a satin-finish lip in a cool berry red inspired by Besame American Beauty and a two-toned violet eyeshadow to bring out green eyes. Uses facial asymmetry for diegetically imperfect application-- this simple lipstick/eye shadow/pencil/powder look could easily be applied daily in ten minutes or less.
Features a modified multi for a slightly more pronounced Cupid's bow and vibrant colouring across a diversity of skintones; flattering across the cool end of the spectrum. On Hellsguard this is the upper half. Screenshots show colour grading similar to real play conditions and very bright lighting to show detail.
Built on Spiswel's Roegadyn female asymmetric face framework. Please no ports or derivatives. Permission is explicitly granted to use this mod in screenshot and video content, ie, 'in use', even for commercial purposes such as gpose commissions. I would prefer my work not be used with the Eve body, any of its derivatives, or in conjunction with any mod that contains Nyaughty in its attribution chain, but you may do as you please.
Packaged exclusively for Penumbra. Download Diegesis here.